Employee Management

To be successful, you want customers to return. Employees are pivotal in ensuring that diners get the best experience and want to return. Having a knowledgeable, motivated and happy workforce increases your chances of that happening. As the owner/manager, there is much that you can do to ensure that employees are happy where they were and give their best. Here are some of the ways you can ensure that management of your employees works well for everyone.

About employees

Your restaurant will have different groups of employees and it is important as a manager to understand the tasks each employee must complete. Be clear about your expectations and explain the reasoning behind them, for example, serving staff may not be aware of the importance of serving sizes not just to the bottom line, but also in managing diners expectations.

As a manager, make time to regularly walk the floor to witness your staff at work. If there is a repeated mistake you want to correct, go over this at a time when they are not busy. Offer suggestions for improved performance, being both personable but authoritative. If you have rules that state serving staff have to wear a name badge and they come in without one, remind them of the rules and if it’s lost, make another whilst being clear that it needs to be worn each shift. Reward staff for good work. A cash bonus or vouchers will encourage repeat performance and set the standard for others. Lead by example: If your restaurant has a rush, help out until the rush is over. The staff will appreciate that you have stepped in to help.Your restaurant will have different groups of employees

Shift schedules

There are times in every restaurant that are quieter than others. Be as fair as you can, spreading staff out evenly amongst the hours available and not just leaving busy times to the more experienced staff. The experience of working shifts at different times of the day also creates the opportunity to gain experience and be properly trained on all the different responsibilities that come with each shift. An added bonus to this is that you create flexibility when needing cover for absences.

You want your staff to be the best they can be and not stressed and tired. Staff should be given at least one day off each week, but I recommend to be two days, ideally on consecutive days. Only in an emergency ask someone to work the late shift and then an early shift the next day. Also have a clear system for staff to request time off. Always consider your legal obligations when scheduling shifts for those you employ under the age of 18 and plan so that overtime is not a regular cost. Online restaurant scheduling programmes are available for all types of establishments to make this job much simpler.Always consider your legal obligations when scheduling shifts

Restaurant Tips

Here are some tips to help you improve your chances of being one of the restaurants that floats rather than sinks:

Employee hygiene

If is vital that employees understand the importance of hygiene. Sending staff on a certified Food Hygiene course gives you and your customers the assurance that they know what is required by law.

Staff must be able to wash their hands regularly and nails must be trimmed and clean. Long hair should be tied back Make sure the uniform of waiting staff is pressed and clean as these are the people that are the PR for your business. Jewellery is to be removed whilst on shift and placed in a locker. It must be made clear that staff cannot eat in the kitchen. Regular employee training on the fundamentals of sanitation, food microbiology and the role of employees in maintaining food safety will maintain the high standards you want.Staff must be able to wash their hands regularly

Employee theft – why and prevention

Employee theft can have a significant impact on the success of your business. Whether employees are stealing food or offering free drinks or food to diners, it is easier to implement systems to stop it happening, instead of waiting for it to happen.

Installing surveillance cameras can act as a deterrent for someone considering stealing from you. It also makes it simpler for you to check for the culprit if money, food or beverages are missing and you then have the evidence you need to sack them. Firing an employee is not what anyone wants to do, but it does give a signal to other employees that you take the matter extremely seriously. Track your sales and inventory with a point-of-sale system that will show up any discrepancies that show that food is either being given away for nothing or stolen. Cashing up, or otherwise dealing with high volumes of cash should be handled by senior member of staff or the manager. Alcohol should always be kept in a locked area with an inventory with regards to who is taking stock out, or this can be the responsibility of the manager or senior personnel.Employee theft can have a significant impact

Restaurant Glossary

There is a particular vocabulary used by restaurants that can be confusing for those newly working in the industry or those new to dining out